LOCOPIAS is on-board loading computer software. Derived from the PIAS software, it uses the same proven technology to achieve optimum loading within the limits for strength, stability, draft, etc. This ensures maximum safety of the vessel, the crew, the environment and the payload or passengers.

Why choose LOCOPIAS?

  • On screen verification of compliance with the limits for intact and damage stability, draft, shear forces, bending moments, torsion, grain heeling and line of sight.
  • Output of full reports on paper or screen.
  • Storage of multiple loading conditions.
  • Easy selection of applicable settings, including multiple sets of stability and strength requirements for vessels operating under multiple regulations.
  • Automated printouts of test conditions as required by Classification Societies.
  • An actual damage case can be defined for damage assessment.
  • Loss of tank contents in damage stability calculations and multiple stages of flooding.
  • Multiple tools to facilitate cargo planning, see below.
  • LOCOPIAS is suitable for all kinds of vessels: dry cargo, passenger, container, RoRo, heavy lift, oil, chemical and gas tankers, special purpose ships, naval vessels, etc.
  • LOCOPIAS can deal with single, composed and asymmetric hull forms, catamarans, trimarans and odd shapes.
  • LOCOPIAS is accepted by all major classification societies. It complies with Cat. B and C of ISO standard 16155 (Shipboard Loading Instruments).
  • LOCOPIAS is modular: users only purchase the modules as required for their vessel(s).
  • LOCOPIAS can calculate tank volume and COG for actual heel and trim, directly from the tank definition rather than from pre-calculated tables. This ‘first principles approach’ makes the (over-)correction of free surface moments obsolete. For some ships this option allows larger drafts, hence more cargo.
  • LOCOPIAS does not apply tables for hydrostatics, cross curves, etc, but calculates all required data directly from the defined hull, for every combination of trim, heel and draft.
  • Indication of dangerous combinations of speed, course and wave period in quartering and following seas, according to IMO recommendations.